
how to buy nft

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) - like CryptoKitties, for example - are digital assets in which each token is unique and different from one another. The ownership of the tokens can't be divided and they're not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent anything from an in-game item to a physical good like collectible cards or even real estate. Image source: NFTs are not like cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. They represent ownership of digital assets on the blockchain, which means they’re commodities. Digital assets can be anything from baseball cards to rare creatures in games (think Pokémon). Ownership is tracked through each token’s unique ID or hash, and you can trade them peer-to-peer with others who want them. Image source: In order to buy a non-fungible token, you first need a place to store it as well as an account with access to the tokens within it. The most common type of storage for digital tokens is called a “wallet” and there are man